
Welcome to Entrepreneur’s Podcast, launching July 2023.

Hi, my name is Peter Christo; I am the founder of the Entrepreneur’s Podcast, which will be launching in early July this year (2023). Below is a quick rundown of what the podcast is all about.

I’ve been in the industry for over 30 years
starting successful and unsuccessful startups and working as a consultant and advisor.

Recently, I’ve been working with the Australian Government’s Accelerating Commercialisation program as a facilitator.

In my time, I’ve noticed that there are a lot of misconceptions about entrepreneurship. Some people think it’s super risky or sketchy, while others see it as a magical solution to everything. But the truth is, there are different motivations behind entrepreneurship. Some people are driven by innovation, while others are just trying to make a living; Remember, there’s no one right path to becoming an entrepreneur.

What’s missing is a deeper understanding of people’s challenges and motivations, especially considering their cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. We can learn so much from these stories because most people who want to be entrepreneurs go through similar struggles.

Whether it’s someone being entrepreneurial within a big company, the journey of an entrepreneur with an idea and some money, or people forced into unexpected situations that require innovation, the environment plays a significant role.

In today’s market, many people are starting side hustles to support themselves and their families. Their ability to succeed often depends on their innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. That’s what I want to explore and share on the podcast. I want to have conversations and hear stories from all parts of society and worldwide, not just from developed countries or MBAs seeking to be the next big thing (nothing wrong with a good MBA, of course). Some of the most interesting entrepreneurial journeys are happening in developing nations.

So, if you think you have an interesting story to tell, please reach out to me at loading... , and mention the ‘entrepreneurs journey’ in the subject line along with a quick summary of what you want to talk about and your contact details in the email.

Peter Christo, Founder, Entrepreneurs Podcast

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